例句 |
autonomiesnounpl. of autonomy the act or power of making one's own choices or decisionsthe director agreed to make the film only on the condition that she be given complete autonomy for the casting accords, choices, free wills, volitions, wills elections, preferences, selectionsbents, devices, dispositions, inclinations, leanings, partialities, penchants, predilections, predispositions, proclivities, propensities, tendenciesalternatives, discretions, options, picks, ways coercions, compulsions, constraints, duresses, forces, pressures the state of being free from the control or power of anotherfinding the mother country's treatment of them oppressive and intolerable, the 13 British colonies made the momentous decision to seek autonomy freedoms, independences, independencies, liberties, sovereignties(also sovranties) emancipations, enfranchisements, liberations, manumissions, releases dependences(also dependances), heteronomies, subjections, unfreedoms captivities, enchainments, enslavements, immurements, imprisonments, incarcerations, internments, subjugations |