例句 |
confidantesnounpl. of confidante a person who has a strong liking for and trust in anotheronly her closest confidantes know what she's going through alter egos, amigos, buddies, chums, compadres, comrades, confidants, cronies, familiars, friends, intimates, mates(chiefly British), musketeers, pals acquaintancesassociates, cohorts, colleagues, companions, fellows, hearties, hobnobbers, partners, peers, sportsblood brothers, brothers(also brethren), main men, sistersabettors(also abetters), accomplices, allies, collaborators, confederatespen palsbenefactors, supporters, sympathizers, well-wishersfriendlies enemies, foes adversaries, antagonists, competitors, opponents, rivalsarchenemies, nemeses |