

单词 rituals
例句 ritualsnounpl. of ritual

a usual manner of behaving or doingher morning ritual is to enjoy a bracing cup of coffee while reading the newspaper

customs, fashions, habits, habitudes, patterns, practices(also practises), tricks, ways, wonts

addictionsdispositionsbents, inclinations, proclivities, sets, tendencies, tenors, turnsbags, conventions, forms, modes, stylesusages, usesdeportments, manners, moresdrills, grooves, jog trots, regimens, regimes(also régimes), rotes, routines, rutsaffectations, airs, posesattributes, characteristics, marks, traitseccentricities, kinks, oddities, peculiarities, quirks, singularities, tics

an oft-repeated action or series of actions performed in accordance with tradition or a set of rulesa ritual that the ancient peoples of that country believed would bring rain

ceremonials, ceremonies, formalities, forms, observances, rites, solemnities

amenities, civilities, decorums, etiquettes, graces, proprietiesprotocolsconventions, customs, habits, manners, mores, practices(also practises), standards, traditions, wayscelebrations, services





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