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confusionsnounpl. of confusion a state of mental uncertaintythe farmer's driving directions to the fairground just left us in total confusion bafflements, bamboozlements, befuddlements, bemusements, bewilderments, discombobulations, distractions, fogs, head-scratchings, mazes(chiefly dialect), muddles, mystifications, perplexities, puzzlements, tangles, whirls abashments, discomfitures, disconcertments, embarrassments, mortificationsagitations, chagrins, discomforts, dismays, disquiets, distresses, disturbances, perturbations, upsetsbothers, commotions, dithers, flurries, flusters, fusses, stews, turmoils assurances, certainties, certitudes, confidences, convictions a state in which everything is out of orderit was hard to find anything in that confusion in the attic chance-medleys, chaoses, disarrangements, disarrays, dishevelments, disorders, disorganizations, free-for-alls, havoc, hecks, hells, jumbles, mare's nests(or mares' nests), messes, misorders, muddles, musses, shambles, snake pits, tumbles, welters anarchies, misrules, riotsknots, snarls, tangleslabyrinths, mazes, websmaelstroms, stormsbollixes, clutters, litters, mishmashes, shuffleshodgepodges, medleys, miscellanies, morasses, motleys orders methods, patterns, plans, systems the emotional state of being made self-consciously uncomfortablethrown into speechless confusion by the wild accusations abashments, discomfitures, disconcertments, embarrassments, flusters, mortifications agitations, bothers, chagrins, discomforts, discomposures, dismays, disquiets, distresses, disturbances, perturbations, upsetsdisgraces, ignominies, shamesdebasements, degradations, humiliations, mortificationshumble pies egg on one's face aplombs, assurances, composures, confidences, equanimities, poises, self-confidences, self-possessions |