

单词 consecrated
例句 consecratedadjective

set apart or worthy of veneration by association with Godbuilt the cemetery on consecrated ground

blessed(also blest), consecrate, hallowed, holy, sacral, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified

adored, enshrined, glorified, revered, venerated, worshipped(also worshiped)ceremonial, liturgical, priestly, religious, ritual, sacramental, spiritualbiblical, scriptural

deconsecrated, desacralized, unconsecrated, unhallowed

nonreligious, unspiritualearthly, mundane, profane, secular, temporal, worldly

consecratedverbpast tense of consecrate

to keep or intend for a special purposea philanthropist who consecrated his considerable fortune to an array of charitable causes

allocated, dedicated, devoted, earmarked, gave up (to), reserved, saved, set by

blessed(also blest), hallowed, sanctifiedcommitted, confided, consigned, entrusted(also intrusted)applied, bestowed, employed, used

set apart, set aside

ignored, neglectedmisapplied, misused

to make holy through prayers or ritualplans to consecrate the altar in the new church with great ceremony

blessed(also blest), hallowed, sacralized, sanctified

baptized(also baptised), canonized, spiritualizedchastened, cleansed, lustrated, purifiedexorcised(also exorcized), expurgatedcommitted, dedicated, devotedreconsecrated

deconsecrated, desacralized, desanctified

defiled, desecrated, profaneddirtied, fouled, polluted, soiled, tainted, violatedblasphemed, cursed, cussed, damned, execratedcast out, condemned, damned, punished

in 1549





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