例句 |
persuadeverb to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requestshe persuaded us that she can indeed communicate with the dead he persuaded his teachers to grant an extension argue, bring, bring around, convert, convince, gain, get, induce, move, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over) blandish, blarney, cajole, coax, entreat, exhort, fast-talk, urge, wheedleallure, beguile, lead on, lure, seduce, snow, temptbrainwash, overpersuadeincline, influence, prompt, sell, swayattract, draw, entice, interestchew over, converse, debate, discuss, dispute, hash (over), mootreason (with) deter, discourage, dissuade, unsell in the 15th century |