例句 |
pestnoun a widespread disease resulting in a high rate of deathone of the great pests of the 20th century was the influenza epidemic of 1918, which killed millions across the globe pestilence, plague murrainepidemic, pandemicaffection, affliction, ailment, contagion, illness, infection, infirmity, malady, sicknessblight, curse, scourge one who is obnoxiously annoyingstop being a pest to your sister and go find something else to do annoyance, annoyer, bother, gadfly, gnawer, nudnik(also nudnick), nuisance, pain, persecutor, tease, teaser headacheharrier, heckler, interrupter(also interruptor)hassle, plagueharasser, molester, tormentor(also tormenter), torturer pain in the neck charmer, smoothy(or smoothie)comforter, solacer, soother something that is a source of irritationa never-ending construction project that continues to be a pest for motorists aggravation, aggro(British), annoyance, bother, botheration, bugbear, exasperation, frustration, hair shirt, hassle, headache, inconvenience, irk, irritant, nuisance, peeve, rub, ruffle, thorn, trial, vexation discomfort, fleabite, pinprickaffront, insult, offense(or offence)upset, worryaffliction, albatross, burden, cross, curse, menace, millstone, plague, soreanxiety, plight, predicament, tribulation, troublehang-up, pet peeve, problemannoyer, disturber, harasser, mischief, offenderpandora's box delight, joy, pleasure in the 15th century |