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winnernoun a person or thing that is successfulthe movie was panned by the critics but has been a winner at the box office blockbuster, hit, megahit, smash, success, supernova blue chip, blue chipper, corker, crackerjack(also crackajack), dandy, jim-dandy, pip, prizewinnergem, jewel, treasuremarvel, natural, phenomenon, sensation, wondercoup, triumph, victory bomb, bummer, bust, catastrophe, clinker, debacle(also débâcle), dud, failure, fiasco, flop, misfire, turkey, washout disappointment, fizzle, lemon, loser one that defeats an enemy or opponentthe winner of any given war is usually the one who gets to write the history of that war beater, conqueror, master, subduer, trimmer, vanquisher, victor, whipper champ, champion, finalist, placerdominator, overdog, ruler, subjugator, top dog loser punching bag, pushover, quitterfailure, flop, washoutunderdog the person who comes in first in a competitionthe other finalists graciously congratulated the winner champ, champion, titleholder, titlist, victor cochampion, cowinnerplacerfinalist, quarterfinalist, semifinalistmedalist(or medallist), prizewinnermegastar, star, superstarworld-beater loser in the 14th century |