例句 |
win (over)verb to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requestsa combination of solid reasoning and outright begging won my parents over, and I became an exchange student for a year argue, bring, bring around, convert, convince, gain, get, induce, move, persuade, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into) blandish, blarney, cajole, coax, entreat, exhort, fast-talk, urge, wheedleallure, beguile, lead on, lure, seduce, snow, temptbrainwash, overpersuadeincline, influence, prompt, sell, swayattract, draw, entice, interestchew over, converse, debate, discuss, dispute, hash (over), mootreason (with) deter, discourage, dissuade, unsell |