例句 |
homogenizesverbpresent tense third-person singular of homogenize to make agree with a single established standard or modelplans to homogenize the science curriculum in public high schools throughout the state formalizes, normalizes, regularizes, standardizes codifies, marshals(also marshalls), methodizes, orders, organizes, systematizes, systemizesaverages, equalizes, evenssquaresaccredits, certifiescontrols, governs, regulates, rulesconciliates, conforms, coordinates, harmonizes, integrates, reconciles, synthesizes customizes, individualizes, tailors to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughoutchain stores and fast-food restaurants have homogenized the nation's highways and byways to the point where every place looks like every other place amalgamates, blends, combines, comingles, commingles, commixes, composites, concretes, conflates, fuses, immingles, immixes, incorporates, integrates, interfuses, intermingles, intermixes, melds, merges, mingles, mixes adds, admixes, beats (in), cuts in, folds, stirs, tossescoalesces, compounds, emulsifiesconjoins, joins, knits, links, unitesintertwines, interweaves, weaves breaks down, breaks up, separates, unmixes cleaves, disjoins, disunites, divides, divorces, parts, ruptures, severs, sundersdisperses, dissolves, scattersdetaches, disengages, splits |