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contactnoun an acquaintance who has influence especially in the business or political worldan intern who got her summer job in the governor's office through contacts connection in, insiderbig shot, bigwig, somebody, VIParbiter, arbitrator, conciliator, go-between, intercessor, intermediary, interposer, mediator, middleman, peacemaker the state or fact of being able to exchange information regarding one's current situationshe had moved to the other side of the country, but continued to stay in contact with her closest friends contactverbto transmit information or requests toyou can contact me at this number address, communicate (with), get, reach get through (to)acquaint, advise, apprise, brief, clue, enlighten, familiarize, fill in, inform, instruct, notify, tell, wise (up)buzz, call, phone, ring (up)(chiefly British), telephonekeep up (with) get hold of, get in touch with(or keep in touch with), touch base (with) in 1626 |