例句 |
witchcraftnoun the power to control natural forces through supernatural meanstaught all of her daughters witchcraft bewitchery, bewitchment, conjuring, devilry(or deviltry), diablerie, enchantment, ensorcellment, magic, mojo, necromancy, sorcery, thaumaturgy, voodooism, witchery, wizardry abracadabra, amulet, charm, fetish(also fetich), mascot, periapt, phylactery, talismanconjuration, glamour(also glamor), incantation, spellcurse, hex, jinxaugury, crystal gazing, divination, divining, forecasting, foreknowing, foreseeing, foretelling, fortune-telling, predicting, presaging, prognosticating, prophesying, soothsaying, sortilegehexerei, hoodoo, occultism, spiritualismaugur, omenexorcismalchemy science before the 12th century |