例句 |
splotchesnounpl. of splotch a small area that is different (as in color) from the main partthe bleach left a small white splotch on my shirt blotches, dapples, dots, eyespots, flecks, mottles, patches, pips, points, speckles, specks, spots birthmarks, freckles, molesblobs, blots, marks, smears, smudges, smutches, stainsspatters, splashespolka dots splotchesverbpresent tense third-person singular of splotchto mark with small spots especially unevenlyink from a leaking pen had badly splotched his shirt pocket blotches, dapples, dots, flecks, freckles, marbles, mottles, peppers, shoots, speckles, specks, spots, sprinkles, stipples blots, dyes, stainsbands, bars, streaks, stripesintersperses, sets, studsbespatters, spatters |