例句 |
hustlersnounpl. of hustler a woman who engages in sexual activities for moneypolicemen kept the street clean of hustlers bawds, call girls, cocottes, courtesans, drabs, harlots, hookers, prostitutes, sex workers, streetwalkers, strumpets, tarts, whores madames(or mesdames), madamswhite slaveschippies, doxies, floozies, trampshussies, jades, minxescoquettes, flirts, libertines, sirens, tempters, temptresses, vamps, wenches women of the street an ambitious person who eagerly goes after what is desiredthe ad for the sales job claims that for someone who's a real hustler, the sky's the limit bootstrappers, go-aheads, go-getters, highfliers(or highflyers), hummers, live wires, powerhouses, rustlers, self-starters eager beaversachievers, comers, doers, enterprisershe-men, individualists dawdlers, idlers, loafers, loungers, putterers, triflersgoldbricks, malingerers, procrastinators, shirkers, slackersdrones, lazybones, sluggardsdalliers, laggards, lingerers, loiterers, slowpokes, stick-in-the-mudsignorers, ne'er-do-wells, neglectersdaydreamers, dreamersdropouts, quitters |