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edgesnounpl. of edge the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of somethingthe design along the edge of the plate is badly worn borderlines, borders, boundaries, bounds, brims, circumferences, compasses, confines, edgings, ends, frames, fringes, hems, margins, perimeters, peripheries, rims, skirtings, skirts, verges ambitsbrinks, crests, curbs, cusps, lipsceilings, maxima(or maximums)demarcations, extents, limitations, measures, meres, restrictions, terminationsborderlands, frontiers, marches, outskirts, pales, selvageslapsshores centers, cores, heartsinners, insides, interiors, middles, withins the more favorable condition or position in a competitionmy big feet give me something of an edge in swimming advantages, betters, bulges, catbird seats, drops, high grounds, inside tracks, jumps, pulls, steads, upper hands, vantages, whip hands allowances, head starts, leads, legs up, margins, odds, startsascendancies(also ascendencies), commands, dominances, masteries, predominances, superiorities, supremacies, transcendences, transcendenciesprecedences, preferences, prerogatives, privileges, senioritiesbreaks, footholds, opportunitiesbenefits, blessings, boons, felicities, godsends, mannas, windfalls coigns of vantage disadvantages, drawbacks, handicaps, liabilities, minuses, penalties, strikes detriments, strangleholdsdisparities, imbalances, inequalitiesdisabilities, failings, impairments, shortcomingsbars, catches, checks, clogs, crimps, embarrassments, hindrances, hitches, hurdles, impediments, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, rubs, shackles, stops, trammelslurches, setbacks an interval of time just before the onset of somethingthe nation's economy was on the edge of collapse when the Federal Reserve took exceptionally bold action brinks, cusps, points, thresholds, verges nicks edgesverbpresent tense third-person singular of edgeto make sharp or sharperif you edge the tip of that stick, it should be a fine skewer for roasting marshmallows grinds, hones, sharpens, stones, strops, whets files blunts, dulls buffs, burnishes, glosses, polishes, rounds, smooths(also smoothes) to serve as a border forpavement edging the flower bed borders, bounds, frames, fringes, margins, rims, skirts hems, trimscircumscribes, defines, delineates, demarcates, outlines, silhouettes, sketches, tracescircles, compasses, encircles, encloses(also incloses), environs, girdles, girths, loops, rings, rounds, surrounds, wallschecks, confines, controls, curbs, limits, restrains, restricts |