例句 |
hutchnoun a small, simply constructed, and often temporary dwellingthe campers slept in a hutch near the riverbank cabin, camp, hooch(or hootch, slang), hovel, hut, hutment, shack, shanty lean-to, shedcot, cottage, lodgecabanabungalow, chalethogan, wickiup, wigwamtent a storage case typically having doors and shelveskeeps her best china in a hutch in the dining room buffet, cabinet, closet, console, cupboard, locker, press, sideboard bookcase, breakfront, chest, china closet, credence, credenza, étagère(or etagere), secretary, showcase, taboret(or tabouret), vitrinecuddy, dresser, pie safearmoire, clothespress, garderobe, wardrobecabinetry, shelving an enclosure with an open framework for keeping animalsthe owner took the rabbit out of the hutch so the children could pet it cage, coop, corral, pen, pound kennel, runkraal, stockadecote, dovecote(also dovecot), henhousefold, sheepfoldpigpenaquarium, terrariumlive-boxfence in the 13th century |