例句 |
costsnounpl. of cost a payment made in the course of achieving a resultthe newlyweds spared no cost in building the kitchen of their dreams charges, disbursements, expenditures, expenses, outgoes, outlays overheadsoutflowspocket moneys, spending moneysprices, rates, tabs, tariffs, tolls the amount of money that is demanded as payment for somethingwe can't afford the cost of a house just yet, so we're renting an apartment antes, charges, damages, fees, figures, freights, prices, price tags fair market values, market values, valuations, valuesasking prices, list prices, sticker pricesprice points, rates, tariffs, unit pricescarrying charges, overcharges, service charges(also service fees), surchargesdeductions, discounts, markdowns, reductions, salesdepositsdown paymentsaccounts, bills, checks, invoices, tabs the loss or penalty involved in achieving a goalthey won the war, but at a terrible cost in lives prices expenses, tollsdamages, forfeits, forfeitures, mulcts, sacrificesantes, risks costsverbpresent tense third-person singular of costto have a price ofthe raffle tickets cost a dollar each brings, fetches, goes (for), runs, sells (for) lists (for)amounts (to), comes (to), totalscommands, exactsasks, demands |