例句 |
IDverb to find out or establish the identity ofstudies that show that eyewitnesses are surprisingly unreliable when called upon to ID the perpetrators of crimes distinguish, finger, identify, pinpoint, single (out) diagnosedetermine, findlocate, pick out, place, recognize, spotcheck, examine, inspect, investigate, notice, observe, scrutinizebetray, disclose, discover, reveal put one's finger on camouflage, conceal, disguise, hidecounterfeit, feign, sham, simulate IDnounsomething presented to show that someone is the person they claim to beThe bouncer is required to check IDs at the door. ID card, identification, identification card, identity cardcertificate, document, exhibit, paperattestation, confirmation, corroboration, documentation, evidence, proof, substantiation, testament, testimonial, testimony, validation, voucher, witnessauthentication, manifestation, verification(the) goodsdemonstration, illustration rebuttal, refutationdisproof in 1924 |