例句 |
plantsnounpl. of plant a building or set of buildings for the manufacturing of goodsa furniture plant that employs hundreds of people factories, manufactories, mills, shops, works, workshops sweatshopsateliers, studios, workplaces, workroomsyards plantsverbpresent tense third-person singular of plantto put or set into the ground to growI'll plant the marigold seeds in the spring to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use ofsoon the sect had planted churches across the breadth of the colony begins, constitutes, establishes, founds, inaugurates, initiates, innovates, institutes, introduces, launches, pioneers, sets up, starts authors, fathers, originatesconceives, concocts, contrives, cooks (up), creates, devises, fabricates, invents, makes up, manufactures, produces, thinks (up)constructs, puts updevelops, enlarges, expandsendows, finances, funds, subsidizesarranges, organizes, systematizes, systemizesrefounds, reinitiates, reinstitutes, relaunches closes (down), phases out, shuts (up) abolishes, annihilates, annuls, nullifiesends, finishes, halts, stops, terminatesrounds (off or out), winds up, wraps up to set permanently in the consciousness or mind-seta profound respect for Mother Nature that had been planted by long experience with hurricanes breeds, enroots, implants, inculcates, infixes, inseminates, instills, sows drives, hammers, poundsembeds(also imbeds), entrenches(also intrenches), fixes, lodges, rootsimbues, infuses, ingrains(also engrains), inoculates, invests, steeps, suffuses |