例句 |
countingverbpresent participle of count to find the sum of (a collection of things) by noting each one as it is being addedcount the baseball gloves in the storage locker to see if there are enough to go around enumerating, numbering, telling adding (up), tallying, totaling(or totalling)calculating, computing, reckoning, tabling, tabulatingchecking, marking, ticking (off)recounting to be of importancepunctuality and a neat appearance count during a job interview importing, mattering, meaning, signifying, weighing affecting, concerning, influencing, swayingadding up (to), amounting (to) carrying weight, cutting ice to place reliance or trustI'm counting on you to show up tomorrow to help me move calculating, depending, leaning, reckoning, relying committing, confiding, entrusting(also intrusting), trusting banking on, calling on(or calling upon), figuring on, looking to, standing on distrusting, mistrusting, questioning, suspecting to think of in a particular wayI'm not sure I'd count that as a serious effort accounting, calling, considering, esteeming, holding, looking (on or upon), rating, reckoning, regarding, setting down, viewing believing, deeming, feeling, sensing, thinkingconceiving, fancying, imagining taking for |