例句 |
couplesnounpl. of couple a small numberthere are only a couple of errors in the computer program fews, handfuls(also handsful), scatterings, scatters, smatterings, smatters, sprinkles, sprinklings minoritiesatoms, crumbs, fragments, grains, iotas, jots, modicums, molecules, particles, scraps, shreds, tittles, whits armies, crowds, flocks, gazillions, hordes, hosts, jillions, kazillions, legions, loads, many, mountains, multitudes, oodles, scads, thousands, zillions majorities, mostsabundances, excesses, plenties, surplusesdeals, gobs, heaps, lots, masses, much, pecks, piles, plenitudes, plenties, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, slathers, slews, stacks, wads, wealths two things of the same or similar kind that match or are considered togethera couple of socks braces, couplets, duos, dyads, pairs(or pair), twosomes spans, yokespartnerships, teamscompanions, complements, doublets, fellows, halves, matches, mates, twinscoordinates, counterparts, equals, equivalents, likes, parallels, peers, rivals couplesverbpresent tense third-person singular of coupleto come together to form a single unitat Pittsburgh, the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers couple to form the Ohio associates, coalesces, combines, conjoins, conjugates, connects, fuses, interfuses, joins, links (up), marries, unifies, unites mates, yokesallies, confederates, leagueschains, compounds, hitches, hooks, splicesassembles, clusters, congregates, constellates, convenes, gathers, meetsrecombines, reconnects, rejoins, reunifies, reunites breaks up, dissevers, parts, sections, separates, severs, splits, sunders, unlinks detaches, disaffiliates, disconnects, disjoins, disjoints, dissociates, disunites, divides, divorces, fractionates, isolates, resolves, uncouples, unyokesdisbands, disperses, scatters to put or bring together so as to form a new and longer wholeif you couple the two extension cords, the connection should be long enough to reach the next room catenates, chains, compounds, concatenates, conjugates, connects, hitches, hooks, interconnects, interlinks, joins, links, yokes articulates, dovetails, integrates, interlocks, intermeshescords, strings, wirescements, coalesces, combines, fuses, unites, welds disconnects, disjoins, disjoints, dissevers, disunites, separates, unchains, uncouples, unhitches, unlinks, unyokes detaches, disengages, divides, parts, splitscleaves, ruptures, severs, sunders |