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disentangleverb to separate the various strands ofit took forever to disentangle the knot ravel (out), unbraid, unlay, unravel, unsnarl, untangle, untwine, untwist, unweave fray, fretsmooth, straighten (out)uncoil, undo, unknot, unlace, unroll, unstring, unthread, untie, unwind entangle, snarl, tangle braid, knot, lace, plait, ply, splice, tie, wind to set free from entanglement or difficultythe years that it took to disentangle ourselves from our troubles after someone started using our social security numbers clear, disembarrass, disengage, extricate, free, liberate, release, untangle deliver, redeem, rescue, savedisburden, disencumber, unburdenunravel, unsnarl, untie, untwine cut loose embroil, entangle block, hamper, hinder, impede, obstructburden, encumber, load, weigh extricate, disentangle, untangle, disencumber, disembarrass mean to free from what binds or holds back.extricate implies the use of care or ingenuity in freeing from a difficult position or situation.extricated himself from financial difficulties disentangle and untangle suggest painstaking separation of a thing from other things.disentangling fact from fiction untangle a web of deceit disencumber implies a release from something that clogs or weighs down.an article disencumbered of jargon disembarrass suggests a release from something that impedes or hinders.disembarrassed herself of her advisers in 1598 |