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sprintverb to go at a pace faster than a walkhe sprinted off to class so as to avoid being late dash, gallop, jog, run, scamper, trip, trot bound, canter, leap, lope, shag, skip, springbarrel, belt, blast, blaze, blow, bolt, bomb(slang), bowl, breeze, bustle, buzz, cannonball, careen, course, foot (it), hare, hasten, hie, hoof (it), hotfoot (it), hump, hurl, hurry, hurtle, hustle, jet, leg (it), pelt, race, ram, rip, rocket, rush, rustle, shoot, speed, tear, whirl, whisk, zip, zoomnip, patter, scoot, scurry, scuttle, step (along) amble, saunter, shamble, shuffle, strollcrawl, creep, dally, dawdle, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarrylumber, plod, trudgehobble, limp in 1836 |