例句 |
zerosnounalso zeroespl. of zero the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by itanything multiplied by zero comes out to zero aughts, ciphers, goose eggs, naughts(also nought), nils, ohs, o's(or os), zilches, zips blanks, voids a person of no importance or influencethose snobs on the cruise ship tried to make me feel like a complete zero ciphers, dwarfs(also dwarves), half-pints, insects, insignificancies, lightweights, morsels, nobodies, nonentities, nullities, numbers, pip-squeaks, pygmies(also pigmies), shrimp(or shrimps), snippersnappers, twerps, whippersnappers, zilches no-names, noncelebritiesleastsinferiors, mediocrities, obscuritiesfigureheads, puppetsnonpersons big shots, big wheels, bigwigs, eminences, figures, kahunas, kingpins, magnates, nabobs, personages, somebodies, VIPs chiefs, heads, leaders, leadscelebrities, luminaries, notables, personalities, planets, stars, superstarsauthorities, superiorsgreat powers, parties, powers the lowest point or levelafter several dating disasters, my confidence with the opposite sex is at zero bedrocks, bottoms, depths, nadirs, rock bottoms abysses, armpits, pits acmes, apexes(or apices), climaxes, crowns, culminations, heads, heights, high-water marks, meridians, peaks, pinnacles, summits, tip-tops, tops, zeniths blooms, flood tides, flowers, glories, heydayscrescendos(also crescendoes or crescendi), highscaps, ceilings, crests, roofs |