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wormverb to advance gradually beyond the usual or desirable limitsneighborhoods worming into lands reserved for wildlife creep, encroach, inch snake, sneakentrench(also intrench), impinge, infringe, intrude, invadeoverpass, overreach, overrun, overshoot, overstep to introduce in a gradual, secret, or clever wayover a period of several years, the undercover agent was able to worm his way into the drug kingpin's confidence infiltrate, insinuate, slip, sneak, wind, work in, wriggle creep, edge, wiggleinsert, interpolate, interpose, introduce to move slowly with the body close to the groundthe cat silently wormed along the ground as it snuck up on the bird belly, crawl, creep, grovel, slide, slither, snake, wriggle crouch, squatedge, inch, noseskulk, sneak, steal, tiptoe before the 12th century |