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creditsnounpl. of credit the right to take possession of goods before paying for thembecause of their reputation for not paying their bills, no store will extend the family credit an asset that brings praise or renownyour intelligence and dedication are a credit to you, our choice for teacher of the year boasts, crown jewels, glories, honors, jewels, prides, treasures, trophies pièces de résistance, showpiecesattractions, features, highlightsdistinctions, excellences, merits, values, virtues feathers in one's cap disgraces, dishonorsblemishes, blots, defects, shames, slurs, smirches, smudges, stains, stigmas(or stigmata)eyesores, frights, horrors, messes mental conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenonI give full credit to this report on the prevalence of cheating among college students today beliefs, credences, faiths axioms, laws, precepts, principles, tenetsassurances, certainties, certitudes, convictionsconfidences, dependences(also dependances), reliances, trustshopesdoctrines, dogmas(also dogmata), philosophiesdogmatisms, fanaticisms, insistences articles of faith disbeliefs, discredit, doubts, nonbeliefs distrusts, mistrusts, skepticisms, suspicions, uncertainties public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievementshe deserves all the credit, since she did all the work acclaim, accolades, applauses, bays, distinctions, glories, homages, honors, kudos, lauds, laurels, props(slang), réclames, suns celebrities, fames, renowns, reputescompliments, encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, panegyrics, toasts, tributesacclamations, ovations, plaudits, praises, raves, rhapsodiescitations, commendations, kudos, notes, recommendationselevations, enshrinements, enthronements, exaltations, glorifications the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others usually indirectlydespite his legal woes, he has not yet lost all his credit with the administration in the White House authorities, clouts, hefts, influences, ins, juices(slang), leverages, pulls, sways, weights counterinfluences(or counter-influences)commands, dominances, dominions, masteries, predominances, reigns, scepters, sovereignties(also sovranties), supremaciesconsequences, eminences, importances, momentsimpacts, impresses, impressions, imprints, marks impotences, impotencies, weaknesses creditsverbpresent tense third-person singular of creditto explain (something) as being the result of something elsehas to credit his success in picking winning lottery numbers to pure luck accredits, ascribes, attributes, chalks up, imputes, lays, puts down blames, charges, fathers (on), imputes (to), pins (on)assigns, refersassociates, attaches, connects, links to regard as right or trueI simply cannot credit that story about the boy who was supposedly raised by wolves accepts, believes, buys, swallows, takes, trusts accounts, accredits, understandsassumes, presumes, supposesconcludes, deduces, infers sets store by(or sets store on) disbelieves, discredits, rejects distrusts, doubts, misdoubts, mistrusts, questions, suspectschallenges, disputes |