例句 |
appropriatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of appropriate to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual rightarchaeologists wrongfully appropriated artifacts excavated at ancient sites for their museums arrogates, commandeers, converts, expropriates, pirates, preempts, presses, seizes, takes over, usurps annexes, attaches, claims, confiscates, impounds, repossesses, sequestersassumes, collars, grabs, grasps, snatches, steals, wrenches, wrestsdespoils, loots, pillagesencroaches, infringes, invades, occupies, preoccupies, trespassesembezzles, misapplies, misappropriates, misuses, peculates to take (something) without right and with an intent to keepyou can't just appropriate somebody's term paper and put your name on it! boosts(slang), filches, heists, hooks, lifts, misappropriates, nicks(British slang), nips, pilfers, pinches, pockets, purloins, rips off, snitches, steals, swipes, thieves burglarizes, knocks over, robsloots, pillages, plunders, sackscarjacks, hijacks(also highjacks)picks, riflespoaches, rustles, shopliftscollars, grabs, grasps, nails, seizes, snatches, takesmooches, spongesabducts, kidnaps, shanghais, spirits makes away with, makes off with, runs off with, walks off with buys, purchasesbestows, contributes, donates, gives, hands over, presents |