

单词 vilifying
例句 vilifyingnoun

the making of false statements that damage another's reputationthe nonstop vilifying had the effect of making some people sympathetic to the victim

aspersing, blackening, calumniation, calumny, character assassination, defamation, defaming, libel, libeling(or libelling), maligning, slander, smearing, traducing, vilification

aspersion, innuendo, muck, mud, smearbackbiting, detractionabuse, invective, vituperationattack, censure, criticism, denunciation, hatchet jobcontempt, disdain, scornbelittlement, denigration, disparagementcattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, spitefulness, spleen, venom, viciousness

acclaim, accolade, applause, commendation, praiseesteem, honor, respectadulation, flatteryadoration, reverence, veneration, worship

vilifyingverbpresent participle of vilify

to make untrue and harmful statements aboutclaimed that she had been vilified by the press because of her conservative views

aspersing, blackening, calumniating, defaming, libeling(or libelling), maligning, slandering, smearing, traducing

belittling, denigrating, detracting, disparagingdiscrediting, disgracing, dishonoring, shamingabasing, debasing, degrading, humbling, humiliatingdisdaining, scorning

exalting, glorifying, honoringacclaiming, applauding, commending, praisingesteeming, respectingadmiring, regardingadoring, revering, venerating, worshipping(also worshiping)





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