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polishedadjective having a shiny surface or finishshe could see her face reflected in the polished hood of the car buffed, burnished, glistening, glossy, lustrous, rubbed, satin, satiny, sleek brushed, eggshell, semigloss, semilustroussilken, silky, slick, slipperyglassy, glazed, lacquered, shellacked, varnishedgleaming, glittering, reflective, shining dim, dull, flat, lusterless, matte(also mat or matt) lacklusterunvarnished having or showing a taste for the fine arts and gracious livingshowing the polished manners of a cosmopolitan woman accomplished, civilized, couth, cultivated, cultured, genteel, refined cerebral, highbrow, highbrowed, high-toned, intellectual, intellectualist, intellectualisticbourgeois, middlebroweducated, erudite, knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly, well-readcivil, courteous, mannerly, polite, well-bredcosmopolitan, sophisticated, urbanehypercivilized, overcivilized, oversophisticated barbaric, barbarous, philistine, uncivilized, uncultured, ungenteel, unpolished, unrefined ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, unletteredlowbrow, unintelligentcoarse, ill-bred, ill-manneredbackwoods, provincial, rustic(also rustical)inelegant, polyester, unsophisticatedboorish, churlish, cloddish, clownish, crude, uncouth, vulgar polishedverbpast tense of polishto make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressureyou'll need to polish your shoes with a clean rag before the performance buffed, burnished, dressed, furbished, glossed, ground, rubbed, shone(or shined), smoothed, smoothened sleeked, slickedcoated, glazed, japanned, lacquered, varnishedfaced, finished, veneeredbrightenedfiled, rasped, sandblasted, sanded, sandpapered, scoured, scraped, scrubbedbobbed, boned, lapped roughed (up), roughened, ruffled, scuffed (up) to bring (something) to a state where nothing remains to be doneonce you polish the article a bit, it'll be ready to submit completed, consummated, finalized, finished, perfected followed through (with), stuck outaccomplished, achieved, effectedcarried out, carried through, did, discharged, executed, fulfilled, performedameliorated, amended, bettered, enhanced, enriched, improved, melioratedmachined, refined, rounded (off or out), shone(or shined), touched up got through abandoned, deserted, discontinued, dropped, forsook, quit(also quitted) in the 14th century |