例句 |
poltergeistnoun the soul of a dead person thought of especially as appearing to living peoplewe thought a poltergeist was knocking dishes off the shelves, but it turned out to just be vibrations from passing trains apparition, bogey(also bogie or bogy), familiar spirit, ghost, hant(dialect), haunt(chiefly dialect), materialization, phantasm(also fantasm), phantom, shade, shadow, specter(or spectre), spirit, spook, sprite, vision, visitant, wraith angel, daimon, familiar, genie, genius, jinni(or jinn also djinni or djinn), shaitandouble, doppelgänger(or doppelganger), fetchlemures, manesincubus, lamia, succubus, vampire, zombie(also zombi)cacodemon, demon(or daemon), devil, fiend, ghoul, imp in 1848 |