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crumbnoun a very small amounta neglected dog who is desperate for any crumb of affection he might get from strangers ace, bit, dab, dram, driblet, glimmer, hint, lick, little, mite, nip, ounce, particle, peanuts, ray, scintilla, scruple, shade, shadow, shred, skosh, smack, smell, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), snap, soupçon, spark, spatter, speck, splash, spot, sprinkling, strain, streak, suspicion, tad, touch, trace hoot, iota, jot, minim, minimum, modicum, semblance, syllable, tittle, vestige, whitatom, dot, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nubbin, patch, scrapdash, drop, pinchpart, portion, sectionbite, nibble, tastehandful, scattering, smatter, smatteringdose, shotchip, flake, fragment, shard, shiver, sliver, smithereens, splintertatterclipping, paring, shaving drop in the bucket abundance, barrel, boatload, bucket, bundle, bushel, deal, fistful, gobs, heaps, lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lot, mass, mess, mountain, much, oodles, passel, peck, pile, plenty, potful, profusion, quantity, raft, reams, scads, stack, wad, wealthvolumebonanza, embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surpluschunk, hunk, lump, slab a very small pieceeating pretzels in bed got crumbs between the sheets atom, bit, dribble, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nubbin, nugget, particle, patch, scrap, scruple, snip, snippet, speck, tittle ace, dab, dash, driblet, drop, fraction, haet(chiefly Scottish), halfpenny, ha'penny, iota, jot, kenning(chiefly Scottish), lick, minim, mite, modicum, nutshell, ounce, pinch, shred, smatter, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), spot, strain, streak, suspicion, taste, touch, trace, whisper, whitbite, mouthful, nibble, tidbit(also titbit)fragment, part, portion, sectionchip, flake, shard, shiver, sliver, splinterclipping, paring, shavingsmithereens chunk, gob, hunk, lump, slababundance, barrel, bucket, bushel, deal, heaps, loads, mass, mountain, peck, pile, pot, profusion, quantity, raft, scads, stack, volume, wad, wealth slanga person whose behavior is offensive to othersif I ever start behaving as obnoxiously as those crumbs, be sure to give me a good slap on the kisser bastard, beast, bleeder(British), blighter(chiefly British), boor, bounder, bugger, buzzard, cad, chuff, churl, clown, creep, cretin, crud(slang), cur, dirtbag(slang), dog, fink, heel, hound, jerk, joker, louse, lout, pill, rat, rat fink, reptile, rotter, schmuck(slang), scum, scumbag(slang), scuzzball(slang), skunk, sleaze, sleazebag(slang), sleazeball(slang), slime, slimeball(slang), slob, snake, so-and-so, sod(chiefly British), stinkard, stinker, swine, toad, varmint, vermin barbarian, brute, caveman, Neanderthal, savageloudmouth, vulgarianlowlife, miscreant, rascal, rogue, roughneck, scab, scamp, scoundrel, villain, wretchbooby, doofus(slang), fool, jackass, nincompoop, ninny, nit(chiefly British), nitwit, nut, schmo(or schmoe, slang)airhead, birdbrain, blockhead, dink(slang), dolt, dope, dork(slang), goon, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, turkeybrat, insolent, nuisance, pest, snipsnob, snoot, snotdweeb(slang), nerd son of a gun hero, heroine, idol, role modelgentleman, ladyangel, saint before the 12th century |