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culturenoun a high level of taste and enlightenment as a result of extensive intellectual training and exposure to the artsbecause of its wide reputation as a place of culture, Boston became known as "the Athens of America" accomplishment, civilization, couth, cultivation, polish, refinement education, erudition, intellectualism, intellectuality, knowledge, learning, literacy, scholarshipcosmopolitanism, sophistication, urbanitybreeding, genteelness, gentility, mannersclass, elegance, grace, tastecivility, courteousness, courtesy, politeness barbarianism, barbarism, philistinism ignorance, illiteracyparochialism, provincialism, rusticity, unsophisticationboorishness, churlishness, clownishness, coarseness, crudeness, vulgarity the way people live at a particular time and placea study of ancient Anasazi culture as it existed in the canyons of the American Southwest civilization, life, lifestyle, society customs, manners, mores, valuesfolklore, heritage, legacy, traditionsubculture, subsociety cultureverbto look after or assist the growth of by labor and careculture bacteria in laboratory dishes crop, cultivate, dress, grow, promote, raise, rear, tend breed, produce, propagateplant, sowgather, glean, harvest, reapgerminate, quicken, ripen, root, sprout killdig, extirpate, pick, pluck, pull (up), uprootcut, hay, mow in the 15th century |