例句 |
inaudibleadjective impossible to hearShe spoke so quietly that she was almost inaudible. The sound is inaudible to humans but can be heard by dogs. intangible, invisibleimpalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensibleinconspicuous, indistinct, unnoticeable, unseeable, unseenfaint, insignificant, liminal, slender, slight, subtle, trivialhushed, quiet, silentburied, concealed, covert, disguised, hidden, obscure, shrouded, unapparent, vague audible, observable, recognizable, tangible, visibledeafening, loud, noisy, sonorousclear, conspicuous, evident, eye-catching, manifest, noticeable, obvious, plain, prominent, strikingapparent, distinct, significant, straightforwardappreciable, discernible(also discernable), palpable, perceptible, ponderable, sensible in 1601 |