例句 |
customizesverbpresent tense third-person singular of customize to change (something) in order to fit the needs or requirements of a person, business, etc.The program can be customized to serve different purposes. customized the car with a unique paint job gears, matches, models, patternsacclimates, acclimatizes, accommodates, adapts, adjusts, conditions, conforms, doctors, edits, fashions, fits, puts, shapes, suits, tailorsreadapts, readjustsattunes, corrects, harmonizes, squares, tunesestablishes, roots, settlesacquaints, familiarizes, orientates, orientsequips, prepares, primes, rehearseshardens, inures, seasons, toughensalters, converts, makes over, modifies, recasts, reclaims, recycles, redesigns, redevelops, redoes, reengineers, refashions, refigures, refits, refocuses, reinvents, rejiggers, remakes, remodels, revamps, revises, reworks, transformsaccustoms, conditions, habilitates, habituates, naturalizesreadies, seasonsbendsfiddles (with), fine-tunes, phases, registers, regulates, rigs misadjusts |