例句 |
cutthroatadjective not guided by or showing a concern for what is rightcutthroat business practices intended to drive competitors out of business immoral, Machiavellian, unconscionable, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous merciless, pitiless, remorseless, ruthlesscrooked, deceitful, dishonest, jackleg, knavishcorrupt, debased, debauched, decadent, degenerate, degraded, demoralized, depraved, dissipated, libertine, licentious, profligatecheapjack, dog-eat-dog, opportunisticcalculating, scheming, sharp ethical, moral, principled, scrupulous conscientious, good, honorable, just, noble, righteous, virtuous cutthroatnouna person who kills another personwhile traveling the ancient Silk Road, traders were constant prey to cutthroats and thieves assassin, homicide, killer, manslayer, murderer bravo, hit man, torpedo, triggermanbutcher, executioner, massacrer, slaughterer, slayermurderess in 1535 |