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incubateverb to cover and warm eggs as the young inside developthe hen incubated her eggs for two weeks brood, hatch, set, sit lay, spawn to help the growth or development ofhopefully, these youthful visits to the museum will incubate an enduring love of art advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurse, nurture, promote advocate, back, champion, endorse(also indorse), support, upholdendow, finance, fund, patronize, stake, subsidize, underwriteabet, aid, assistadvertise, boost, plug, publicize, toutagitate (for), campaign (for), work (for) discourage, frustrate, hinder, inhibit ban, bar, enjoin, forbid, interdict, outlaw, prevent, prohibit, proscribebattle, combat, contend (with), counter, fight, opposerepress, snuff (out), squash, squelch, stifle, subdue, suppressarrest, check, halt, retardencumber, fetter, hobble, impede, interfere (with), manacle, obstruct, shackle in 1641 |