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indistinguishableadjective not perceptible by a sense or by the mindindistinguishable differences that can be measured only electronically impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, insensible inaudible, intangible, invisibleinconspicuous, indistinct, unnoticeable, unseeable, unseenfaint, insignificant, liminal, slender, slight, subtle, trivialburied, concealed, covert, disguised, hidden, obscure, shrouded, unapparent, vague appreciable, discernible(also discernable), palpable, perceptible, ponderable, sensible audible, observable, recognizable, tangible, visibleclear, conspicuous, evident, eye-catching, manifest, noticeable, obvious, plain, prominent, strikingapparent, distinct, significant, straightforward not seen or understood clearlyindistinguishable shapes in the fog blear, bleary, blurry, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, gauzy, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, misty, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque, pale, shadowy, unclear, undefined, undetermined, vague dark, dusky, gloomyimpalpable, inappreciable, intangible, invisiblehieroglyphic(also hieroglyphical), incomprehensible, indecipherable, indiscernible, inexplicable, mysterious, obfuscatory, puzzling clear, definite, pellucid bright, distinct, evident, obvious, plaincertain, firm, strong, sure resembling another in every respecta synthetic fabric that supposedly is indistinguishable from real silk coequal, duplicate, equal, even, identical, same akin, alike, analogous, comparable, coordinate, correspondent, corresponding, equivalent, like, look-alike, matching, parallel, similar, such, suchlike, synonymous, tantamount much of a muchness different, disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinctive, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, other, unalike, unlike differentiable, discriminabledivers, miscellaneous, sundry, varied, various in 1606 |