例句 |
stiffingverbpresent participle of stiff to deliberately ignore or treat rudelythe actress has a reputation for stiffing the press at red-carpet events cold-shouldering, cutting, high-hatting, slighting, snubbing, stiff-arming isolating, ostracizingbrushing (aside or off), disdaining, rebuffing, rejecting, repelling, repulsing, scorning, spurningdisregarding, forgetting, neglecting, overlooking, overpassing, passing over, shrugging off to rob by the use of trickery or threatscustomers who were too embarrassed to admit that they had been stiffed by an Internet company claiming to sell designer handbags beating, bilking, bleeding, cheating, chiseling(or chiselling), chousing, conning, cozening, defrauding, diddling, doing, doing in, euchring, fiddling, fleecing, flimflamming, gaffing, gypping, hosing(slang), hustling, mulcting, nobbling(British slang), plucking, reaming, ripping off, rooking, screwing, shaking down, shortchanging, shorting, skinning, skunking, squeezing, sticking, stinging, suckering, swindling, thimblerigging, victimizing extorting, wrenching, wresting, wringingclipping, gouging, nicking, overcharging, soakingexploiting, milkingdeceiving, duping, fooling, gulling, trickingroping (in)betraying, bitching, double-crossingbamboozling, fast-talking selling a bill of goods to, taking for a ride, taking to the cleaners |