例句 |
marriagesnounpl. of marriage a union representing a special kind of social and legal partnership between two peoplesome religions consider marriage a sacrament conjugalities, connubialities, matches, matrimonies, wedlocks monogamiesbigamies, polyandries, polygamies, polygyniesintermarriages, miscegenations, mixed marriages, remarriagescohabitations, common-law marriagescivil unions, domestic partnershipsattachments, commitments, relationshipsbetrothals, engagements, espousals, hands, pledges, promises, proposals, troths annulments, divorces, separations a ceremony in which two people are united in matrimonyjust a small group of family and friends have been invited to witness the marriage bridals, espousals, nuptials, weddings matches, matrimonies, wedlocksunions |