例句 |
storingverbpresent participle of store to place somewhere for safekeeping or ready availabilitywe decided to store the lawn mower in the shed instead of the garage to put (something of future use or value) in a safe or secret placesquirrels commonly store nuts in the hollows of trees and other places to prepare for the winter caching, hoarding, laying away, laying by, laying in, laying up, putting by, salting away, squirreling (away)(or squirrelling (away)), stashing, stockpiling, stowing, treasuring accumulating, acquiring, amassing, assembling, collecting, concentrating, garnering, gathering, picking up, rounding up, scraping (together)heaping, piling, stackingconserving, husbanding, preservingbanking, coffering, depositing, holding, keeping, reserving, retaining, saving, setting by, stocking, withholdingburying, concealing, ensconcing, secreting setting aside casting, discarding, ditching, dumping, flinging (off or away), jettisoning, throwing away, throwing out, unloadingconsuming, squandering, using up, wastinghanding out, handing over, relinquishing, surrenderingblowing, dissipating, frittering (away), lavishing, misspending, running through, spendingdepleting, exhausting, expending, impoverishingdispelling, dispersing, dissipating, scattering |