例句 |
innovatingverbpresent participle of innovate to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use ofinnovated a new system for filing books that dramatically improved efficiency in libraries beginning, constituting, establishing, founding, inaugurating, initiating, instituting, introducing, launching, pioneering, planting, setting up, starting authoring, fathering, originatingconceiving, concocting, contriving, cooking (up), creating, devising, fabricating, inventing, making up, manufacturing, producing, thinking (up)constructing, putting updeveloping, enlarging, expandingendowing, financing, funding, subsidizingarranging, organizing, systematizing, systemizingrefounding, reinitiating, reinstituting, relaunching closing (down), phasing out, shutting (up) abolishing, annihilating, annulling, nullifyingending, finishing, halting, stopping, terminatingrounding (off or out), winding up, wrapping up |