例句 |
deepnessnoun distance measured from the top to the bottom of somethingthe deepness of the well could not be determined by visual means depth, drop lownessdraft, sounding shallownessaltitude, elevation, height, stature the quality of being great in extent (as of insight)the deepness of his knowledge on the subject is truly impressive depth, profoundness, profundity discernment, perception, perceptiveness, perceptivity, percipience, sagacity, sapience, sense, sensibility, wisdombraininess, brightness, brilliance, intellect, intelligence, judgment(or judgement), reason, sense, smartness, witacuity, acuteness, keenness, penetration, perspicacity, sensitivity, sharpness shallowness, superficialitybrainlessness, idiocy, imbecility, mindlessness, simpleness, stupidity, witlessnessillogic, irrationality, unreasonableness, unsoundness |