例句 |
presumablyadverb to all outward appearancespresumably he's going on the trip for business reasons, but we have our doubts apparently, evidently, ostensibly, ostensively, putatively, seemingly, supposedly externally, outwardly, visiblybelievably, crediblyassumably, likely, presumedly, probablyconceivably, maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly, professedly, supposablyallegedly, purportedly, reportedly, reputedlyclearly, distinctly, manifestly, obviously, plainly, self-evidentlyassuredly, positively, surely on the surface implausibly, impossibly, improbably, incredibly by reasonable assumptionpresumably he'll come later assumably, doubtless, likely, probably maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possiblyconceivably, imaginably, plausibly, practically, reasonablypotentiallyassuredly, certainly, clearly, conclusively, decisively, definitely, definitively, indisputably, indubitably, positively, really, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionablypresumedly, supposably, supposedly as like as not(or like as not) improbably implausibly, inconceivably, incredibly, unbelievably, unthinkably in 1846 |