例句 |
pretty boynoun a man extremely interested in his clothing and personal appearancea downtown dance club with lots of pretty boys in attendance beau, Beau Brummell, buck, dandy, dude, fop, gallant, jay, lounge lizard, macaroni, toff(chiefly British) coxcomb, fancy Dan, popinjayblade, cavalier, dasherclotheshorse, exquisite, swell slob, sloven a physically attractive manas a musical performer, he has yet to prove that he's more than just another pretty boy beefcake, hunk, stud, superstud babe(slang), dish, doll, dreamboat(slang), eye candy, eyeful, fox, knockout, stunnerlady-killer, sheik, womanizer dog, grotesquerie(also grotesquery), monster, nerd in 1835 |