例句 |
pretty boysnounpl. of pretty boy a man extremely interested in his clothing and personal appearancea downtown dance club with lots of pretty boys in attendance Beau Brummells, beaux(or beaus), bucks, dandies, dudes, fops, gallants, jays, lounge lizards, macaronis, toffs(chiefly British) coxcombs, fancy Dans, popinjaysblades, cavaliers, dashersclotheshorses, exquisites, swells slobs, slovens a physically attractive manas a musical performer, he has yet to prove that he's more than just another pretty boy beefcakes, hunks, studs, superstuds babes(slang), dishes, dolls, dreamboats(slang), eye candies, eyefuls, foxes(also fox), knockouts, stunnerslady-killers, sheiks, womanizers dogs, grotesqueries, monsters, nerds |