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demandsnounpl. of demand something that someone insists upon havingagreed to the customer's demand for a refund claims, duns, importunities, requisitions, ultimatums(or ultimata) desires, requests, wants, wishesdrives, needs, requirements, stipulationsbasics, essentials, mustsimpositionsconditions, provisions the state of being sought after especially for purchasea steadily declining demand for film cameras something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidablewe are very confident that our new employee is fully equal to the demands of the job conditions, essentials, must-haves, musts, necessaries, necessities, needfuls, needs, requirements, requisites, sine qua nons(also sine quibus non) preconditions, prerequisitesadvantages, edges, pluses(also plusses)desiderata, desiderations, wishes nonessentials, nonnecessities amenities, comforts, extras, extravagances, frills, indulgences, luxuries, superfluities, surplusages, surpluses demandsverbpresent tense third-person singular of demandto ask for (something) earnestly or with authoritythe losing party demanded a recount of the votes cast in the election calls (for), claims, clamors (for), commands, enjoins, exacts, insists (on), presses (for), quests, stipulates (for) asks, pleads (for), requests, wantscries (for), necessitates, needs, requires, takes, warrantsrequisitionsimposesbadgers, duns, harasses, hounds gives up, relinquishes, surrenders, yields to have as a requirementa task that demands one's unremitting attention bears, challenges, claims, necessitates, needs, requires, takes, wants, warrants entails, involvesasks, begs, claims, clamors (for), cries (for)hurts (for), lackscommands, enjoins, exacts, insists, presses, quests, stipulates calls for has, holds owns, possesses to set or receive as a pricesuperstars of the big screen who demand millions for appearing in a movie asks, charges, commands overcharges, underchargesbrings, fetches, sells (for)discounts, marks down, marks upassesses, bills, invoicesprices, values |