例句 |
intentsnounpl. of intent something that one hopes or intends to accomplishI'm sorry that I hurt your feelings; that wasn't my intent aims, ambitions, aspirations, bournes(also bourns), designs, dreams, ends, goals, ideals, ideas, intentions, marks, meanings, objectives, objects, plans, points, pretensions, purposes, targets, things grails, holy grailsplots, projects, schemesdesires, hopes, minds, wishesnirvanasdestinations, termini(or terminuses) means, methods, ways the idea that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed to the mind by language, symbol, or actionthe wording was a little unclear, but I think I grasped the intent contents, denotations, drifts, imports, intentions, meanings, purports, senses, significances, significations connotationsclues, cues, hints, implications, indications, inklings, intimations, suggestionsmessages, tenors, themesbottoms, essences, essentialities, natures, souls, spirits, stuffacceptances, acceptations, definitionsburdens, cruxes(also cruces), gistscores, hearts, kernels, marrows, nubs, nuclei(also nucleuses), piths, points, quicksmatters, motifs, motives, questions, subjects, topics |