例句 |
intercedeverb to act as a go-between for opposing sidesasked an old friend of the family to intercede in the bitter dispute over the inheritance intermediate, interpose, intervene, mediate butt in, interfere, intrude, meddle, obtrude, pry, snooparbitrate, moderate, negotiate, refereebarge (in), botherbreak (in), chime in, cut ininfringe, invade, trespass stand byavoid, eschew, shundisregard, ignore, overlook interpose, interfere, intervene, mediate, intercede mean to come or go between.interpose often implies no more than this.interposed herself between him and the door interfere implies hindering.noise interfered with my concentration intervene may imply an occurring in space or time between two things or a stepping in to stop a conflict.quarreled until the manager intervened mediate implies intervening between hostile factions.mediated between the parties intercede implies acting for an offender in begging mercy or forgiveness.interceded on our behalf in 1597 |