例句 |
profferingverbpresent participle of proffer to put before another for acceptance or considerationproffered his assistance in helping the two sides reach a compromise extending, giving, offering, tendering, trotting out posing, proposingholding outgiving in, submittingvolunteering running by(or running past) accepting, receiving, takingaccrediting, approbating, approving, authorizing, clearing, confirming, finalizing, formalizing, homologating, OK'ing(or okaying), ratifying, sanctioning, warrantingdeclining, denying, disallowing, disapproving, negativing, rejecting, turning down, vetoingrebuffing, rebutting, refusing, spurningretracting, withdrawingdisregarding, ignoring, neglecting, overlooking to set before the mind for considerationproffered a novel solution for getting themselves out of debt advancing, bouncing, offering, posing, proposing, propounding, suggesting, voting movingnominating, recommendingpresenting, submitting, tendering, trotting outfiling, laying, lodgingarranging, calculating, charting, contriving, covering, framing, mapping, planning, plotting, shaping putting forth, putting forward |