例句 |
relativeadjective being such only when compared to something elseafter being crammed into a one-bedroom apartment, they lived in relative comfort in a two-bedroom house almost, approximate, comparative, near alike, comparable, similarequal, equivalent absolute, complete, downright, out-and-out, outright, perfect, pure, unqualified genuine, real, true having to do with the matter at handI don't need the whole story, just the details that are relative to the case applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, material, pertinent, pointed, relevant appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, suitableimportant, meaningful, significantsensible, usefuladmissible, allowable to the point extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative, irrelevant, pointless frivolous, inconsequential, insignificant, little, minor, negligible, slight, trifling, trivial, unimportantmeaningless, purposeless, senseless, uselessinappropriate, inapt, unsuitableinadmissible relativenouna person connected with another by blood or marriageit's always fun to see all your relatives at a big family gathering cousin, kin, kinsman, relation in-lawkissing cousinkinswomanblood, clan, family, folk, house, kindred, kinfolk(or kinfolks), kinsfolk, line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe nonrelative in the 14th century |